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Backyard Pond & Waterfall.

Everyone loves water. What better way to beautify your yard, create a peaceful escape for yourself and enjoy nature than installing a water feature.

Water courses through an 8 ft long stream tumbling over 3 waterfalls before entering a 8x6 ft pond.
A shallow area specifically with birds in mind was designed to enhance easy access and use.

The backdrop to the pond was planted to all native plants both for thier floral display but also to create inviting habitat for birds, butterflies and other creatures. Several species of ferns and low growing wildlflowers were planted in and around the rocks to create a very naturalistic setting.

Species list includes shrubs for the background: Summersweet, Sweetspire, Winterberry, Oak leaf hydrangea.
Flowers and ferns: Cardinal flower, Great blue lobelia, Blood root, Foam flower, Wild ginger, Green and Gold, Black cohosh, White baneberry, False solomon seal, Christmas fern, Maidenhair fern, Lady fern